Friday, September 21, 2012

I'm addicted

I have an addiction to Mad Men. Yes, the television show. We got rid of our DirecTV last month and it's really been nice just to watch network television and Netflix (and not watch as much TV!). But I found Mad Men on Netflix, and now every night after the boys go to bed, I watch an episode - or two. I'm starting season 3 now, so I'm halfway through what Netflix offers. So hopefully I'll be back to blogging regularly soon.

I'm also addicted to Pinterest. I knew it would happen. The good news about this though is that it gives me lots to do with the boys, especially Jack.

I'm starting to get into a nice routine this fall. I found a homeschool schedule on Pinterest that works very well for activities for us.

Make Something Mondays
Time for Reading Tuesdays
What's Cooking Wednesdays
Thoughtful Thursdays
Fun Fieldtrip Fridays

So far, we've made monsters out of toiletpaper tubes and a leaf artwork using real leaves. We already had a well-established library day, and now we are starting to do the Reading Patch program there. We've made a freezer peanut butter cup pie, homemade applesauce, and homemade corn chowder. And we've gone to Ikea. Thoughtful Thursdays are proving to be a little more difficult. I'm pretty tired by Thursday, and I would like Jack to pick the person to be thoughtful for. So it's hard to plan ahead. Then I'm too tired, and so we talk about ways to be thoughtful, which is good, but we haven't put anything into action yet. Next week, we're going to try swimming on Thursday.

I'm not the only tired one around here either. Jack has been pretty exhausted lately. He's started soccer twice a week. It's a pretty neat program. The only problem is that it is from 6:30-7:30 p.m. He's doing it, but it is definitely right at bedtime, and you can see it in him on the field. As long as Steve and I don't make a big deal out of how much he does, he gets out there and plays as much as a completely exhausted 4-year-old can. It's pretty cute. A few of our friends from the Moms group are there too, which makes it fun for all of us. Reid is a pretty good sport about it too. He hangs out in the stroller and just people watches.

Alright, that's about all I have in me tonight. I'll finish with some pictures, and then look for Reid's 10-month update this weekend. He actually turned 10-months old on Sept. 12 (last week!), but I took the pictures in time, and I'll have the post ready to go in the next two days!

From our trip to Morton Arboretum on Labor Day









