Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Jack is 7, yes I said 7, years old!!

Just look at that sweet face! Can you believe it's seven years old? Sometimes I forget and try to keep him little, but he quickly reminds me.

We celebrated Jack's seventh birthday back in January (well, his birthday is in January!). And you know he's becoming a big kid when he asks for video games (Minecraft and such), chemistry sets, and art materials. No more trucks or boats for this guys.

Over the last year, and especially in the last six months, Jack has really come into his own with reading and writing. He seems to enjoy sounding out the words more now and has even recently developed a love of writing notes and messages. I've also caught him reading books to Colin.

His true loves of science and art have not waned, however. He loves doing experiments (whether that be testing the pH level of different substances or making his own "chemicals" out of whatever liquids he can get his hands on). He also loves creating projects. We still have to sneak the garbage out so it does not get stashed in a corner waiting to be used for one of his creative ideas. Don't worry, we let him create lots of fun things, we just don't need to keep every juice container and toilet roll. His teachers think he's headed for a career in engineering (and so do I!).

Jack plays soccer (or football as we call it here in the UK). He's developing some pretty cool skills when he decides he wants to play. We probably need to find him a gymnastics gym here though. He's constantly jumping around on the furniture and climbing all over everything that should not be climbed over.

I think Jack is also developing a love for travel. He really enjoyed our recent trip to Paris so much that he wanted to stay. He's always had an appreciation for maps, and I think now that we are going to more places, he is starting to thinking about places he wants to see too.

The other day, we asked Jack to write three of his favourite things to do (he wanted to earn some Minecraft time). He wrote "I like playing with Dad. I like playing with Mom. I like playing with my family." And when it comes down to it, I think that sums up where Jack is in his life right now. He just really enjoys spending time with his family. He doesn't really care what we do as long as we do it together. And I'm so glad about that!

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