I think we have finally kicked the nasty cold and ear infection. We go back to the doctor on Tuesday for a follow-up. The only things we are still a little worried about are a rattle in his chest and a productive cough that haven't gone away. We'll see what the doc says.
In the meantime, Jack is super mobile. He is climbing stairs and is trying to figure out how to get down stairs too. He pulls up on just about anything. And he loves to dance. We went to Barnes and Noble yesterday to meet Cindy, Brian and Olivia. The literary magazine from WHS was having a fundraiser with all kinds of kid-friendly activities. We saw the band Haggis play. Jack loved them. He sat in the front and stared at the band members intently the entire time. He pulled himself up in the stage and danced. He even tried to sing along some of the time. Hopefully the band will release its children's album soon.
I have some new pictures of Jack to post. Enjoy them. We have been having lots of fun watching this in real life :)
Jack enjoying the California sun